Aviv Yaish


Bio. I research the intricate relationship between the economics and security of cryptocurrencies. I am currently finishing my PhD at HUJI, where I had the pleasure of being advised by Prof. Aviv Zohar, and will soon start a postdoc at Yale, where I am grateful for being hosted by Prof. Fan Zhang, and co-hosted by Profs. Ben Fisch, Charalampos (Babis) Papamanthou, and Zhong Shao. I am also a visiting researcher at the University of Innsbruck, where I am graciously hosted by Prof. Rainer Böhme. Previously, I was a lecturer at HUJI and received an award for my teaching. Among other honors, I was named one of the top PhD graduates of 23-24 by the CBER Forum, received the CBER Best Paper award, the CCS Distinguished Paper award, and was generously supported by Ethereum Foundation grants, an AIANI fellowship, the Ze’ev Jabotinsky fellowship, and HUJI’s rector award for first-in-class MSc students.

Do get in touch if you want to collaborate or chat. This includes undergrads looking for cool projects.


Jun 16, 2024 I will present Suboptimality in DeFi at The Science of Blockchain Conference 2024.
May 23, 2024 Honored to have won the 4th Annual CBER Conference’s best paper award for Suboptimality in DeFi!
Apr 6, 2024 Hao Chung, Matheus VX Ferreira, Yotam Gafni & I will give a tutorial on transaction fee mechanisms at EC24.

Selected Papers

  1. Speculative Denial-of-Service Attacks in Ethereum
    Aviv YaishKaihua Qin, Liyi Zhou, and 2 more authors
    In 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 24), 2024
    🏆 Awarded a Flashbots bounty
    🏆 Awarded an Ethereum Foundation bounty
    🏆 Ranked 63rd in MLSEC’s Normalized Top-100 Security Papers list
    📰 Covered by Blockworks
  2. Barriers to Collusion-resistant Transaction Fee Mechanisms
    Yotam Gafni, and Aviv Yaish
    In Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2024
  3. Suboptimality in DeFi
    Aviv YaishMaya DotanKaihua Qin, and 2 more authors
    In The Science of Blockchain Conference 2024, 2024
    🏆 Received the 4th Annual CBER Conference’s best paper award
  4. Uncle Maker: (Time)Stamping Out The Competition in Ethereum
    Aviv YaishGilad Stern, and Aviv Zohar
    In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2023
    🏆 Received an ACM CCS distinguished paper award
    📰 Covered by International Business Times, CryptoSlate, Cointelegraph
  5. Blockchain Stretching & Squeezing: Manipulating Time for Your Best Interest
    Aviv YaishSaar Tochner, and Aviv Zohar
    In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2022
    🏆 Awarded an Ethereum Foundation bounty